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OHTSEDIDH – Sami Cultural Expressions in Central Sweden

Location iconHistoriska museet/The Swedish History Museum
Calendar icon27 Jul — 1 Sep 2024
Text "OHTSEDIDH – samiska kulturyttringar i Mellansverige"

A traveling exhibition about Sami history and cultural heritage in Central Sweden. There is not just one Sami history, but many. The word Ohtsedidh is Southern Sami and means to seek or search for something. OHTSEDIDH is produced by Dalarna Museum, County Museum of Gävleborg, Västmanland County Museum, and Gaaltije Foundation, a Southern Sami cultural center. The exhibition is part of a research project.

All dates

27 July
28 July
29 July

Historiska museet/The Swedish History Museum

Location icon

Narvavägen 13-17

