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Excursion, Hiking with Children in the Archipelago

Sports & Wellbeing
Location iconSälstationen
Calendar icon18 May — 3 Nov 2024, 10:00 – 16:00
an adult and a child sitting on the ground
Photo: Sälstationen

Come and hike with children in the archipelago, use all your senses to experience the forest, observe animal tracks, insects, learn about Allemansrätten and much more! Hiking starts at the Sälstationen in Gålö, where you get a backpack with experiences and food. The hike is approx. 2km with 9 stops. At each stop, a bag is opened with a message from Igo and games to do in nature! Includes ingredients to make ”krabbelurer” on a trail stove.

All dates

18 May10:00 16:00
19 May10:00 16:00
25 May10:00 16:00


Location icon

Oxnövägen 91
