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Barnängens barn och baracker (genomförs bara på svenska)

Guided tours
Location iconKajsas på kajen
Calendar icon4 Aug — 13 Oct 2024, 13:30 – 15:00
wooden brown house and fence
Photo: Stefan Maurbakken

A city walk among the children of Barnängen and barracks in Södermalm. You see environments where workers dyed, washed, carded, and spun the uniforms of the Carolinians. You hear about the girls of the reformatory and the renowned Faggen's tavern. In White Mountains, Elsa Borg conducted missionary work for the poor in society. The city walk concludes around the height of Sofia Church.

All dates

4 August13:30 15:00
8 September13:30 15:00
13 October13:30 15:00

Kajsas på kajen

Location icon

Tegelviksgatan 68

