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Opening night: Sex in the city at Sergels torg


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Photo: Kollage av två bilder. Skyltfönster på Klara norra kyrkogata 24, 1970-tal. Foto: Kalle Wetterström. Aktion av Grupp 8 mot en porrbutik i Stockholm, 1981. Foto: Jonny Graan/Expressen/TT.

In the exhibition Sex in the City, The museum Kvinnohistoriska explores how certain neighbourhoods were marked by sex shops and protests after Sweden legalised pornography in 1971. Guided tour by economic historian Klara Arnberg. Produced by Stockholms Kvinnohistoriska with support from the City of Stockholm and På Sergels torg. For program and more information see the link below.

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Sergels Torg

